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Survive The Social Media Fuss With A Full Marketing Guide

Survive The Social Media Fuss With A Full Marketing Guide-image

Concentrate, don’t get lost in the social media fuss. You don’t have to fill all the social media channels with your content. You can just choose yours, take what you really need out of it. Anyway, if you’re still lost and don’t know how to start marketing on social media, then let me help you with 7 steps.

1.Choose your best 3 social media platforms

Ask yourself two questions:

First, where does your target audience spend more time?

Second, what’s the type of your content?

By answering those two questions, you’ll be able to know the best 3 social media platforms for your business. And here’s where people spend more time, by demography and age:

Facebook demographics and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 2.91 billion
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (31.5%)
  • Gender: 43% female, 57% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 33 minutes

Instagram demographics and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 2 billion
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (31.2%), with 18-24 close behind at 31%.
  • Gender: 48.4% female, 51.8% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 29 minutes

TikTok demographic data and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 1 billion
  • Largest age group: 10-19 (25%)
  • Gender: 61% female, 39% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 89 minutes per day

Twitter demographics and usage

  • Number of daily active users: 211 million (up from 187 million
  • Largest age group: 18-29 (42%)
  • Gender: 38.4% female, 61.6% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 31 minutes

LinkedIn demographics and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 810 million
  • Largest age group: 25-34 (58.4%)
  • Gender: 48% female, 52% male
  • 63% of LinkedIn users access the network weekly, and 22% daily

Pinterest demographics and usage

  • Number of monthly active users 431 million
  • Largest age group: 50-64 (38%)
  • Gender: 78% female, 22% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 14.2 minutes

Snapchat demographic data and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 319 million
  • Largest age group: 15-25 (48%)
  • Gender: 54.4% female, 44.6% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per day: 25+ minutes

YouTube demographics and usage

  • Number of monthly active users: 2+ billion
  • Largest age group: 15-35 (highest reach)
  • Gender: 46% female, 54% male (no data on other genders)
  • Time spent per session: ~30 minutes

2.Set your business goals

Your business goals must cover four things:

  • A.Your company’s moral goals, which can be called the company values.
  • B.Your company’s profit goals.
  • C.Your company’s benefits.
  • D.Your audience’s benefits.

That will give you a balanced view of how to set business goals that give everyone’s satisfaction. A company that only cares about profits, regardless of its audience’s, can profit for a short time, then lose them. A company that only cares about the audience's benefits loses a lot until it achieves success.

A company that only cares about profit may win the money of its customers but lose their awareness. And a company that only cares about values wins audience awareness but loses money.

Have a balance that will give you the heart, mind, and money of your customers, win, and give your customers a winning deal. That lasts longer.

Creating your marketing strategy requires goals to start from, but how do you choose these goals?

Surely you’ve started your business for specific reasons. Such as giving people a better product in quality or price, or for the lack of knowledgeable experts in your field, or else. Set your business goals and values for these reasons. They’re a truly solid basis for planning and achieving goals. You can also adapt to the market later on and update your goals and values. That happens in the biggest corporations, but you also should have a launching point to start from, so consider that.

3.Create a social media marketing strategy

Now you’ve chosen your best 3 social media platforms, have a 3 steps strategy:

  • A.Awareness: What does your company offer? How is it valuable? How did you start your business and why? What’s your story?
  • B.Motivation: How do your products or services overcome the competitors? Testimonials of satisfied customers. Why buying your product is a chance your audience shouldn’t miss.
  • C.Conversion: A promotional offer or sale that you can make to your customers. Call to action, call to action and even more call to action.
  • D.Repeat every quarter.

4.Create your content

Create content that answers your target audience’s questions, give them at least 30% of what they care about in content and give your company’s products and services the rest.

Create interactive content that will make them happy to share or comment on it. Give them a day off every week to ask them about how they’re doing, how their day was, or where they are from.

Most social media platforms depend on a timeline. That’s why we can (and should) repeat its cycle every once in a while, republish your content every while, repeat your content plan, redo and increase your business awareness. You have new followers every month that have no idea about your business, so re-educate them. Repost your offers, redo your call to actions.

5.Create ads campaigns

Choose the top 10 pieces of content that were loved by your audience and developed their interaction, and start creating ad campaigns around them. To have the best results in social media marketing, choose a variety of content styles to create ads on, but also be very specific in choosing the target audience for every single ad. Don’t expand the "interests", choose only 3 to 5 only.

6.Make analysis

Sense and numbers work together. You can never ignore the interactions you're receiving from your audience and how you can relate that to your business, nor can you ignore numbers even for that piece of content that you didn’t like very much. So, watch your target audience’s interactions closely, and watch your analysis too. There’s an initial analysis tool now on every social media platform, free and very close to your hand. And here’s 3 more paid analysis tools for your digital marketing:

  • A.Hubspot
  • B.Hootsuite
  • C.Sproutsocial

7.Increase sales

You’ve created a scale of customers, be keen on them, care about their benefits, care about the values you offer them. That alone will make them recommend your business to others.

Create a look-alike ad campaign to help you generate leads similar to what you had from your previous ad set to increase sales.

Congratulations, you’re fully charged with what to do. Now go do it. Learn from mistakes, adapt, add your fingerprints, and remember to have consistency and patience.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/376128/facebook-global-user-age-distribution/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/324267/us-adults-daily-facebook-minutes/
https://www.axios.com/instagram-2-billion-users-790391f8-972c-4926-943b-7e0013bbe3fc.html https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/tiktok-users-watch-the-app-for-an-average-of-89-minutes-per-day-and-theres-732m-of-them-worldwide/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/970920/monetizable-daily-active-twitter-users-worldwide/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/265647/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-twitter-by-age-group/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/678794/united-states-twitter-gender-distribution/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/192700/age-distribution-of-us-users-on-linkedin/#:~:text=As%20of%20December%202021%2C%2058.4,were%20aged%2055%20and%20over https://www.statista.com/statistics/545216/linkedin-users-in-the-us-by-gender/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/815162/frequency-with-which-us-internet-users-visit-linkedin/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/463353/pinterest-global-mau/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/408225/us-pinterest-reach-penetration/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/408225/us-pinterest-reach-penetration/ https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/average-daily-time-on-social-media https://www.statista.com/statistics/552671/snapchat-app-dau-region/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/814300/snapchat-users-in-the-united-states-by-age/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/326460/snapchat-global-gender-group/#:~:text=Snapchat%3A%20distribution%20of%20global%20audiences%202021%2C%20by%20gender&text=As%20of%20October%202021%2C%20more,of%20the%20biggest%20Pinterest%20audiences https://www.statista.com/statistics/324267/us-adults-daily-facebook-minutes/#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20the%20average%20daily,users%20amounted%20to%2038%20minutes https://www.statista.com/statistics/296227/us-youtube-reach-age-gender/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/810461/us-youtube-reach-gender/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257254/youtubecom-time-spent-per-visit/

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