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Examples of IoT devices and their business applications in 2022.

Examples of IoT devices and their business applications in 2022.-image

in movies people controlling devices remotely when they’re out home; machines start working without a single touch on any interference from the side of their owners; we’ve also seen some ads are popping up to us with products that we buy periodically.

and these ads appear in the very time that we’re in need to place an order with these items.

And that last one is a form of internet of things IoT applications in business.

Yes, it is there, the internet of things IoT has been there for a long time but not as commonly used as it’s getting every day.

What is internet of things IoT ?

IoT is an abbreviation for: Internet of Things. Which refers to the internet connected to physical things and devices that are embedded with sensors.

The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of billions of physical objects connected with sensors that exchange data with other devices over the internet.

So, whenever it is a form of connecting or information exchanging between:

  • Network and device
  • Device and device
  • Device and cloud
  • Device and technology

Then it is a forms of IoT, all these forms can be applied together in so many cases, or separately, as long as the device embedded with sensor.

Here's a few examples of internet of things ( IoT ) applications in each field?

Home automation

Refers to the automation of a home, often known as a "smart home" or "smart house."

You can manage your gadgets such as lights, fans, and televisions through the internet of things IoT home automation ecosystem.

It might involve pre-programming complicated heating and lighting systems, as well as alarms and home security controls,

all of which are connected via a central hub and operated remotely via a smartphone app.

  • Bathroom Sensors detect the preferred water temperature at shower. Detect movement to switch off water automatically.

  • Security System Doors, windows and electronic gadgets, can all be controlled by internet of things internet of things IoT app on a

  • Smart Phone. Whether you forgot to lock the door before leaving or didn’t, a sensor is following you detecting and securing.

  • Safety sensors Natural calamities, fires, water, and gas leaks may all be prevented with the use of safety sensors.

If a criminal tries to enter your house, proximity and video sensors can detect it and instantly activate the alarm and alert the authorities.


  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Automation

M2M technology was initially adopted in manufacturing and industrial settings, where other technologies,

such as SCADA and remote monitoring, helped remotely manage and control data from equipment.

The primary purpose of M2M technology is to tap into sensor data and transmit it to a network.

One of the best facets to look out for is communication between devices, and smart sensors can be embedded in devices enabling communication.internet of things IoT systems can use sensors to communicate and automate decisions,

including materials procurement, demand and sales forecasting, and distribution without human interaction.

  • Predictive maintenance and shop floor operations

Empowered by IoT, machinery and industrial equipment can analyze operational conditions.

This enables monitoring production and equipment maintenance in near real-time without reliance on human intervention.

  • Supply chain movement of goods

IoT provides better transparency into the entire supply chain. By embedding goods with sensors or attaching tracking/monitoring devices to shipment containers, businesses get more control and visibility into the end-to-end supply chain from the manufacturing plant to the warehouse to the delivery trucks and the end customer.

  • Industrial asset management

With internet of things IoT devices, manufacturers can track all assets from resources in the production process to completed items in a warehouse.

Inventory management no longer requires shutting a business down for a manual count, but it can be done regularly through standard reporting.


  • Smart ring

By appearance, a smart ring looks like a normal ring but there is a whole tech on the finger.

The ring has network connectivity and it is embedded with sensors that are linked to the software through which the data can be shared or exchanged. The ring also incorporates intelligent technologies, for instance, door lick, net file share, soft voice, link share, business card share and program lock.

With just a simple finger approach people can now pay their bills, use metro ticketing, unlock the car and home’s door if they are NFC enabled.

And so on, you can imagine of else applications, as long as there’s a sensor detecting, and a smart device adapting:

Smart Belt. Gaming Armbands. Smart Shoes. Fitness Tracker. Smart Clothing. Smart Glasses.

GPS tracking Band.

Examples of internet of things IoT in business

  • Thorough marketing and business development

Smart devices that are situated at homes, especially voice assistants and other appliances that can directly communicate with end-users on a regular basis, provide invaluable source information for business analysis.

internet of things IoT helps enterprises by gathering large volumes of user-specific data employed for developing business strategies, targeted advertising, fine-tuning price policy, and other marketing and management activities.

  • Improved customer service and retention

The abovementioned collection of user-specific data achieved by using smart devices also helps businesses to understand the expectations and behavior of customers better.

IoT also improves customer service by facilitating follow-ups after sales such as automatic tracking and reminding the customers about required maintenance of purchased equipment after its predefined period of use, the ending of warranty periods, etc.

  • Better business opportunities Due to the increased effectiveness, the company that uses IoT solutions is able to offer a wider range of services or products, or increase their quality in comparison with its competitors, but at the same price.

As an alternative, such a company may perform more challenging tasks in terms of production difficulty, time, or quantity.

Altogether, the use of smart solutions makes an enterprise more competitive and attractive as a potential business partner.

  • A trustworthy image of the company

A company that employs high-tech solutions, and IoT in particular, generally makes a positive impression on customers, investors,

and other business partners who are aware of numerous advantages offered by the Internet of Things.

Moreover, it is easier to attract highly-sought experienced staff if a company provides a safe and secure working environment ensured by a network of smart devices.

So, sensing, detecting, connecting, and information exchanging, the world has been humanly connected, and now we can say that the world is getting human to human connected, human to devices connected, device to device connected, and device to network connected.

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